Vanessa Lin

Shine in the truth of who you are. Your potential is limitless.

Private Coaching

Private coaching

Panache Desai once told me, “The shortest distance between where you are and where you want to be is the truth.” I am here to help you discover your truth - to help you show up for yourself, to push forward and to honor your true potential. I am a trained Six-Sensory Teacher, an MBA in Entrepreneurship, and a passionate people manager. I am also a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC). With over nineteen years of experience in corporate environments, I have built and coached high-performing teams and influenced cultures that are diverse and inclusive. Above all, I have an innate desire to honor the potential of the human Spirit. At my heart’s center, my purpose is to partner with you to achieve your goals, while helping you discover the light of who you are becoming in the process.

Coaching with Vanessa has allowed me to focus on each area of my life and set specific achievable goals in a way I have never had before. Vanessa is a compassionate and insightful coach who holds me accountable, suggests new ways of thinking about challenges, and fosters a safe space to discuss those challenges and a way to overcome them.
— Nancy-Ellen, Chief Safety & Security Officer

Most recently I have been working with high potential women who have accomplished much in their careers, who have climbed the corporate ladder, received the certifications, degrees and accolades… and yet, there is a yearning for more. More fire, more passion, more fulfillment and more joy. I am the believing eyes that connect you back to the most basic and fundamental part of yourself - your Spirit. I help you to remember the beauty and power of who you are. Whether you are stepping into a new role, you’re stuck in a rut in your career or are making your way through a life transition, I am ready to support you in navigating your way, providing you with practical tips to help you find your path and shine your brightest, while harnessing my intuition to help you identify blocks and make meaningful breakthroughs.
Contact me to schedule a consultation.

Coaching with Vanessa was nothing like what I expected. Vanessa has a style that immediately sets you at ease to relax and trust the process. Her approach allowed me to see how I was holding myself back and how much better I feel when I am my authentic self. At the end of each coaching session, I felt I had a plan on how to stay true to myself and address whatever challenge was in front of me.
— Tammy, Director - Enterprise information Management

The Manager’S Success Accelerator Program

"This was my first time using a coach and Vanessa was extremely friendly, accommodating, and helpful in explaining the process, the goals, and the purpose of coaching. My time working with her really showed me the value of a leadership/executive coach, especially for new managers, and I absolutely recommend it to others. Vanessa was particularly attuned to the culture and nature of the work I did and grounded our sessions by taking the time to learn about my specific workplace. Future clients should go with an open mind and trust her process - a lot of it will feel new and unfamiliar but Vanessa works to make it a safe, learning space."

- Jessica, Chief Operating Officer

“As a first-time manager, I wanted to find someone who could help me determine my management style and coach me through difficult situations.

It was like the stars aligned when I found Vanessa. She is a fantastic coach; she takes the time to help you uncover the root causes of the challenges you’re facing in the workplace and supports you through them. She enables you to identify when your inner critic comes out to play and subsequently works with you to help squash it. Her approach is calming, reassuring, and inspiring.

I cannot stress enough how grateful I am to have had this opportunity to work with her! If you are a first-time manager, I highly recommend working with Vanessa; you won’t regret it.”

- Ashley, Demand Manager

The Manager’s Success Accelerator Program was created to support new people managers in their budding leadership journeys, empowering them to lead with confidence, develop successful teams, and love their jobs.  With over seventeen years working in various corporate environments and managing multiple teams, I have witnessed the same scenario play out time and time again. Talented individual contributors are promoted to management, and swiftly pulled into the throes of their new jobs without a lot of guidance to help them hit the ground running, rarely acknowledging that the management journey requires an entirely different skill set to be developed and leveraged.

Ultimately, you got here for a reason - because you deserve this opportunity in your career and you have great promise as a leader. Let’s use this opportunity to prove your boss right and give you a little push to get you started on the right foot. This is where I come in. I am passionate people motivator, and in this program I facilitate powerful transformations in new managers, enabling them to:

  • Build confidence in their messaging to team members

  • Establish strong team dynamics

  • Promote trust and effective relationship management

  • Get the most out of their teams

  • Create an environment that people want to be a part of

In this bespoke coaching program I will spend 6 months 1:1 with you as a new manager, walking together through new management challenges, embracing breakthrough thinking, and witnessing your transformation.

Contact me to get started with a sample session. I’m looking forward to working with you!