
Falling Together:
a Tale of Believing in your Own Magic 

In Falling Together, Vanessa shares a raw and honest exploration of her heart as she traverses the most difficult time of her life. Using her intuition and trust in a higher power, she is able to propel herself into a place of true healing and magic, tapping into universal truths that we can all learn from.


Falling Together is a captivating story that serves as a testament to the power of listening to your heart and trusting the universe to deliver. Vanessa beautifully describes a spiritual journey in a modern-day context to illustrate a heartfelt example of how love always finds a way.

Sonia Choquette
NY Times Best Selling Author

In this compelling tale of rebuilding life and love from the bottom up, Vanessa Lin shares a touching story of her heart breaking open to create the space for true love to enter. For anyone experiencing doubt that the Universe is conspiring to bring you just what you’re looking for, this book might inspire you to change your mind. It’s a magical journey of faith to fulfillment!

Katherine Woodward Thomas
NY Times Best Selling Author of
Calling in “The One:” 7 weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life

Inspiring and enlightening! Vanessa bravely shares her story of heartbreak and the path to true healing, tuning into the power of her own Spirit to help get her to the other side. She beautifully transforms her life and comes out stronger than ever.

Peggy Rometo
Intuitive Expert and Author of
The Little Book of Big Promises

Vanessa brings us on a deeply personal, arduous journey of her life falling apart to falling together. Her depth, wisdom, and sweetness remind us, that no matter how life unfolds, if we choose to look deeply within ourselves and trust our intuition in the face of insurmountable odds, that a life of healing, fulfillment and empowerment lie on the other side. An inspirational journey of what happens when you trust your heart, intuition and the magic of the Universe.

Sonia Choquette Tully
Intuitive and Best Selling author of 
You Are Amazing