Vanessa Lin

show up for yourself with kindness and compassion. Together We’ll chart a course for your growth.

Meet Vanessa

When I was a little girl, I would pour over the pages of “Dear Abby” articles and advice columns in Teen Beat magazine, dreaming up my own responses to the dilemmas that people submitted.  “I’m going to help people figure out what matters most,” I’d often muse. As I grew older, I quickly shoved my child-like imagination to the side and I found myself working in Corporate America, making a career for myself post - 9/11. While I succeeded in many ways down this path, finding pockets of fulfillment, it wasn’t until I experienced my own major wakeup call (the demise of my marriage while I was six-months pregnant and smack-dab in the middle of an important career progression) that I learned to double down on my creativity to imagine a new life for myself. What I found is that when you take steps towards the direction of your heart’s truest desires, the road always rises up to meet you.

Coaching with Vanessa has allowed me to focus on each area of my life and set specific achievable goals in a way I have never had before. Vanessa is a compassionate and insightful coach who holds me accountable, suggests new ways of thinking about challenges, and fosters a safe space to discuss those challenges and a way to overcome them.
— Nancy-Ellen, Chief Safety & Security Officer

I’m finding this to be truer than ever as I publish my first book, called Falling Together: A Tale of Believing in Your Own Magic.

As Mark Twain once wrote, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” I’ve now come full circle into my “why.” I’m here to help you figure out what matters most. Your potential is greater than you give yourself credit for. And your life can change in an instant. I am living proof of that.

Wayne Dyer said it perfectly when he said “Don’t die with your music still in you.” Well, I’ve got songs in me, and so much more music left to write. Thank you for listening to one of my greatest hits thus far, and I’m looking forward to being of service to you.

Coaching with Vanessa was nothing like what I expected. Vanessa has a style that immediately sets you at ease to relax and trust the process. Her approach allowed me to see how I was holding myself back and how much better I feel when I am my authentic self. At the end of each coaching session, I felt I had a plan on how to stay true to myself and address whatever challenge was in front of me.
— Tammy, Director - Enterprise information Management